Our fourth session was on Thursday 30th of April at 20hs with
Bad Artist
In light of the research-based nature her practise has taken on during the quarantine, Bad Artist will be reading out a "wiki-loop journey from fiction to fiction". Inspired by the "wiki rabbit hole", defined as a learning pathway which a reader travels by navigating from topic to topic while browsing Wikipedia, her wiki-loop will end with the same topic it begins with - fiction.
About Bad Artist:
''I'm a Slovenian artist, currently in my third year of Academy Minerva in Groningen. Mostly in the form of ready-made, my work explores the nature of ideologies, morality and the human condition. I am continuously intrigued by paradoxes and contradictions, primarily the existential kind.''
Visual communication by Eleni Tsompanidou
ARTisBOOK Foundation