Greetings from… is an open call for artists to rethink the idea of the travel postcard.
Travel and postcards have always been intimately connected. Whether a souvenir, a perfunctory gesture, or a deeply intimate keepsake, these little dispatches from elsewhere offer insights into the fantasies, dreams, and realities of travelling.
With the open call for this mail art project, we invite you to explore this time old relation between travel and the medium of the postcard.
- All received cards will be exhibited in ARTisBOOK starting April 20 2024 until December 2025, as part of our two-year program travel
- All participants will be listed on our website and on this page. Please make sure that your name is legible on the card, envelope, or contact us via e-mail to let us know about your submission (info@artisbook).
- If you have received this card, you may pass it on to someone else in real life or via mail.
With thanks to einBuch.haus, HFK Bremen (special thanks to Qianxun Chen), Limestone, Salon für Kunstbuch for distributing the open call.